How to Maintain Your Lawn in the Summer

In the summer, your lawn will need a little extra TLC. With the intense sunlight, hot days and increased outdoor activity, it’s important to make sure your lawn is getting the proper balance of mowing, watering, fertilizing, and weed and pest control.

Before following a summer lawn maintenance guide, make sure to keep in mind the location of your lawn, what type of grass you have, your soil type, and local weeds and pests. Also, consider the time of year — what your lawn needs could vary depending on if it’s early, mid or late summer.

With these thoughts in mind, read on for some summer landscaping tips that will turn your lawn into the envy of the neighborhood.

Lawn Care in the Summer

Summertime is all about maintaining the health and beauty of your lawn, and a good routine maintenance schedule will include the following:

  • Mowing: One of the most important things to keep in mind is not cutting your grass too short. When you mow the grass high, it allows the roots to reach deep and grow strong. A good rule of thumb is to leave cool-season grasses 3-4 inches tall and warmer season grasses 2-3 inches tall. After you finish mowing, you can leave the clippings on the lawn or mulch them to provide extra nourishment and moisture to your soil. Also, keep the lawnmower blade sharp so it does not shred your grass.
  • Watering: Most lawns thrive on deep and infrequent watering. It is best to water in the early morning to reduce the chance of evaporation and fungal issues. Whether you use a sprinkler system or portable sprinkler, make sure it is watering your lawn uniformly. Typically, leaving your sprinklers on for an hour ensures your lawn receives around one inch of water. With the right amount of water, your roots can thrive, making your lawn healthier and less susceptible to damage by weeds and pests.
  • Fertilizing: Lawn fertilizer is essentially food for your lawn that helps it grow strong. Make sure that it is designed specifically for summer usage and is applied at the frequency outlined by the manufacturer. Used correctly, fertilizer will help your lawn withstand the heat and drought of summer.
  • Weed control: The best cure for weeds is to work on preventing them instead of struggling to control them. To prepare your lawn for the summer, you can apply a preemergent herbicide to suppress weed growth. A healthy lawn that is regularly mowed and watered also prevents weeds from germinating and taking over.
  • Pest control: Before using insecticides, make sure you can identify what lawn pests you are dealing with. Keep in mind that not all insects are harmful and insecticides should only be used for severe damage. When your lawn is not healthy, it is more likely to be infested by insects.

Maintain Your Lawn in the Summer With Shearer Patio & Landscape Service

When you trust the experts of Shearer Patio & Landscape Services to maintain your lawn, you’ll get greener grass and more free time. Let us take care of your yard work so you can focus on enjoying barbecues and pool parties on those balmy summer days.

Shearer can transform your yard into a summer oasis with services ranging from mowing to landscaping. Contact us today to learn how we can help and to request a free quote.

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